Outside / In
An immersive, hybrid experience



OUTSIDE | IN takes inspiration from the architectural concept of the panopticon, conceived by the philosopher Jeremy Bentham — a prison design that allows a single supervisor to observe all inmates without the latter knowing if they are being watched by an actual person. If we extend the concept of the panopticon to the society in which we currently live, we see that constant surveillance through social media, personalized algorithms, and data tracking, influence and shape our behaviour.

The advent of this panoptic society integrates the omnipresent look of control that monitors and therefore limits thoughts and behaviors.

The omnipresent gaze is then internalized, resulting in the gradual loss of freedom.

This relationship between the exterior and the interior inspired the choice of title, and forms the conceptual core of OUTSIDE | IN.

Feature #1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Feature #2

At convallis porttitor inceptos sodales adipiscing ultricies parturient suspendisse nisi suspendisse conubia magnis adipiscing dignissim id conubia vestibulum scelerisque eu a. Arcu felis penatibus dignissim tempus mi dignissim suspendisse habitant adipiscing a congue suspendisse metus hac felis.

Feature #3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Multichannel Surveillance

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

About the project

Outside | In is a hybrid immersive experience*, conceived by Mark Lawes and the Theatre Junction collective, drawing inspiration from the panopticon, science fiction, and escape games.

This pioneering experiential work delves into the concepts of freedom and social control, inviting the audience to observe and participate in a variety of worlds, both physical and virtual, to open up questions about societal and social structures that shape our lives.

The installation consists of a variety of worlds, where the public experiences a mix of in-person live performance, AI generated interactive elements, and live streamed moving-image.

*Hybrid remote immersion could be defined as a collective interaction experience that shares one or more physical spaces - where physically present individuals can meet in person - and one or more virtual spaces - where individuals represented in any way (avatars, webcam, image, etc.) can also meet and interact; the pooling (hybridization) of these two types of space (physical and virtual), allows simultaneous interaction between individuals physically present in the same place and individuals remotely present.